MADE WITH 100% ORGANIC COCONUTS (NOT PALM OIL) – Many MCT oil powders (medium-chain triglycerides) are made from non-organic coconuts and palm oil, which have been linked to deforestation and wildlife issues. Our coconut oil base is purely organic, so you can feel great, and help our planet, too.
Supports Fat-Burning Potential* – Because they’re utilized by the body a little differently than other sources of fat, MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) provide you with an alternative source of energy and can help support your body’s ability to burn body fat as a source of fuel.*
SUPPORTS ENERGY TO HELP WITH YOUR DAY* – When your body doesn’t have carbs available to use for energy, it can burn fat instead – a state known as ketosis. One of the best benefits of MCT oil is that it may help you reach this state because MCT’s are easy to absorb and converted to energy.*
CREAMY COFFEE & SHAKES, NO CLUMPING – Our MCT Oil Powder blends beautifully into coffee, smoothies and snacks with just a few stirs, giving you a rich, smooth texture of cream, with no oily film or grittiness.
EASY TO TAKE ON THE GO – Liquid MCT Oil can get messy when you’re out and about. With powder, you can easily pack it in your gym or work bag and mix into your beverage of choice for pre-workout or pre-meeting energy support.*
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