Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice 2544 Classic Gainer Protein (Vanilla, 10 Pounds)
As of July 8, 2019
Grow muscle with 55 grams of Ultimate Nutrition‘s special protein blend (whey protein isolate, whey potein concentrate, calcium caseinate, egg white albumin). This formula provides protein to constantly feed and nourish your muscles.
Our advanced muscle mass formula offers a blend of biologically important proteins; (whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, calcium caseinate, and egg white albumin).
Whey protein increases the anabolic environment and prevents muscle breakdown, thereby assisting the muscle-building effects of intense weight training and exercise.
Muscle Juice 2544 gives you the most optimum source of amino acids (the major building blocks of muscle); critical for the repair and growth of muscle tissue.
Ultimate Nutrition produces all of our professional grade supplements, powders, tablets, gels and capsules in our FDA & GMP Certified facilities accross North America.
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